3.5 22 54 18 10
7 183 513 76 19
14 102 280 63 17
21 127 354 68 22
28 163 453 89 26
Total 597 1654 314 94
Score: 674,832
Had a great time working the CW contest this year. This was an personal best for me at this station. Running the Cushcraft R7 vertical on a pole in the backyard.
Working conditions
N1MM logging software
DM780 running in background to 'help' with decoding
K1EL USB Winkeyer
FT-1000Mk V (with all the filters)
Alpha 78
Cuschcraft R7
Dentro MT-3000A tuner Used to load the R7 on 80M (works ok with 130 ft feedline)
W3LPL or K1TT for Telnet
After reading Zen and the Art of Radiotelegraphy I really came to understand that many of the operators are so much better at CW than I am it seems to help them to go a bit faster. Going faster than the pile up seems to help. After 49 years of hamming my CW is still improving (but is still not very good). I found this year that I made many QSO's with the keyer set at 29-33 WPM with only a few slower and a few faster. One by accident I set the key at 42 and the op came right back --no problem!