New Logo by CT2IRY |
The CW contests especially SS with it more complex exchange is much more fun (read easier) for me with the use of the computer. The logging and reporting is really simplified with a good logger software and N1MM is the current winner for sure. Their recent logo contest winner is shown above and is by
CT2IRY. Nice Job Julio! One thing I find that works reasonably well for me is to use the HRD CW reader in the background to 'help' copy the exchanges. This works reasonably well for me. Load the N1MM 1st then start DM780 ONLY in the 'normal' NOT Winker mode and then adjust your windows so you can see a bit of the DM780 screen. The water fall is very helpful for spotting and to check what is going on with the audio passband filters and some limited panoramic type display.
Using the 'APF' filter on the FT-1000MP MK V and watching the results on the waterfall of the DM780 was an eye opener for me. The APF works quite well and requires no adjustment other than selection of the desired bandwidth. The 240 hz worked most of the time once or twice there may have been some advantage to going a bit narrower.
CWSS is a good opportunity to get on and do some fast CW with a bit more of a 'message' than 599 whatever. With the Section, Precedent (power/class), and Check (yr of 1st license) you get a good amount of practice copying longer strings of code 'in your head'.
Highlights for the contest for me were the good conditions on 80M on Sat. night. Nice quiet conditions enabled me the opportunity to pick up a number of sections using the 40M with a long (close to 1 Wavelength on 80M) feedline. Using the Alpha 78 that was acquired from Vince Thompson K5VT (sk). Using the logging program also enables me to easily report the score so that my local club, PVRC gets to count my score. The K1EL keyer and software interface in N1MM works great. Hearing the QRP stations with good loud signals. One station in the QRP class gave me a S/N of 809 on Sunday PM and several Q stations were successfully 'running' on prime frequencies near the low end of the band. OK so they were not 40 over but they were S8 and had great ops with probably great antenna systems. Working KA3DRR my 'twitter' buddy, not sure where he was but he was doing great! Also worked fellow bloggers W4KAZ and AE5X.
Areas for improvement will be to continue to develop better 'running' skills and increase score by spending more time 'running'. Antennas will need to be improved too.
A new Chinese Amp will probably be in the works soon for many hams see the video.
K3PG CWSS Summary
Band QSOs Pts Sec
3.5 98 196 31
7 121 242 14
14 108 216 31
21 15 30 1
Total 342 684 77
Score: 52,668